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400 N Walker
Building Suite Rooms Leasable sqft Monthly Rent Rent/sqft/yr
500 N Walker
Building Suite Rooms Leasable sqft Monthly Rent Rent/sqft/yr

600 N Walker
Building Suite Rooms Leasable sqft Monthly Rent Rent/sqft/yr
*The highlighted items are pre-leasing
601 N Walker

Building Suite Rooms Leasable sqft Monthly Rent Rent/sqft/yr
*The highlighted items are pre-leasing

428 N Walker
Building Suite Rooms Leasable sqft Monthly Rent Rent/sqft/yr
501 N Walker
Building Suite Rooms Leasable sqft Monthly Rent Rent/sqft/yr
414 N Walker 4th
Building Suite Rooms Leasable sqft Monthly Rent Rent/sqft/yr
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